Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Is your lamp still lit?


My lamp was empty when the power went out.  By flashlight, I climbed to the top of the fridge to retrieve the oil I hadn’t used in years.  Honestly, I had almost forgotten where it was. 
And this morning, while reading Matthew 24 (a good refresher for anyone right now), I transitioned into Matthew 25.  The parable of the waiting bridesmaids spoken by Christ.  He describes his return, and those waiting for him.  And it made me wonder, for those 5 out of the 10 bridesmaids... They made themselves ready, they were probably wearing their best dresses and had actually put on mascara and lipstick for the occasion.  They picked up their lanterns and waited patiently for His return. 
But he took a long time.  Their lamps went out one by one.  Much in the same way, how many of us came out of the gate on fire as new Christians?  Quiet time everyday.  Bible studies with new friends.  Relying on God and prayer for our guidance versus the latest feel good article or website. 
But when Christ came back, they had already let their lights run out.  Perhaps they were too focused on their new job, or listening to society tell them ‘you don’t need anyone, you are a fierce woman!  Pink hats for us all!!’ Perhaps they now shun ‘those silly Christians’ as ignorant or old fashioned... ‘why do we need a fairy tale god to obey when there is so much fun to be had here?’ Perhaps they just went to sleep and forgot they were hoping for him at all?? 
Regardless, when the bridegroom returned, they woke up and realized they were lacking.  And no borrowing of oil - ‘’my family are all Christians”. No excuses - “I once said a prayer when I was a teenager”. No begging - “I’ve never killed anyone, please let me in!!” Nothing could refill the valuable oil that would have kept their lights shining - The Spirit he had originally given them to light the way and bring others to His party. 
“But he replied, ‘I tell you the truth, I don’t know you.’ (Matt 25:12)
That’s pretty enlightening..

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