Monday, August 17, 2009

It's official, kind of

It's official - at least within the walls of this house - the newest Wages angel will without a doubt, barring future difficulties, discussions, or events - be forever prayed for and thought of as :


I....LOVE.....IT. The reason? Olivia is derived from Olive. Olive oil was a life-sustaining product in the Hebrew culture. Olive oil was also used as a symbol for the spirit of God. And since the Holy Spirit is what started us out on this journey, I think it is perfect.

Tony was finally won over when he saw a super-cute baby with an embroidered dress on which said "Livvie". Which was just super-cute (obviously), and I finally got my way. Yeah!!!

And now, in actuality, Olivia has two pieces of gorgeous art:
From her big brother Braeden, who in essence, named her -

And then a gorgeous piece of art coming all the way from CROATIA!! I have a dear reader friend and artist who found my blog through Compassion and has been following our story. She felt the Holy Spirit leading her to paint a beautiful painting of an olive tree for Baby Olivia which is on it's way to the US to be hung in her nursery. How cool is that?!? I wanted to wait until I had it in hand to show off, so I hope you don't mind SiLa, but I thought it was too perfect for this post to not share with everyone else Olivia's gorgeous painting:
She also shared the following verses for Olivia:

"I answered, “I see a solid gold lampstand with a bowl at the top and seven lights on it, with seven channels to the lights. Also there are two olive trees by it, one on the right of the bowl and the other on its left.”
Then I asked the angel, “What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lampstand?” Again I asked him, “What are these two olive branches beside the two gold pipes that pour out golden oil?” He replied, “Do you not know what these are?” “No, my lord,” I said. So he said, “These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth.” Zechariah 4

SO... our adoption agency application and application for the home study agency were both sent off Friday. We should hear within 10 days whether or not we are approved. So pray, pray, pray! Our next step would be the home study which we may have to delay until we sell the house or raise the money to begin as it is only good for 1 year. And since most adoptions take 12-18 mos., we don't want to begin it too early and have to pay to have it renewed. But Lord - we took that first step, now keep us walking (or running would be nice) on the right path!


  1. Hey, I think both pieces of art are fabulous!

    How much is the home-study going to cost? Do you have to go through the agency, or can you get one done privately?

    As I recall, when I was researching Jamaica adoptions, home studies cost around $1200... is that about right?

  2. Beth, we were recommended a Christian home study agency around Rock Hill as the adoption agency is out of state. Their fee is $1500 but if we pay that, get started, and then don't have the next $2-4,000 due within the next several months, that study could expire sitting and we would have to pay $550 to renew it a year from now. So they advised us to postpone a bit until we have more sitting in the bank. I just had to open the file as our medicals will be mailed in from the drs.
