Ok so I am new at this. My wife Tracy is already an expert at writing. I have read all of her post and some of the ones she follows. Being a dad for me is a dream come true. I grew up in and out of foster care and childrens homes until my 11th grade year of high school. As a child I use to wonder what a real family felt like. How it would be to actually have my mom and dad tell me they love me and really mean it. You know the ones who put their kids first. I use to say when I am a dad I am going to do this and that and this and that. Now I am a dad and I have the opportunity to play baseball in my front yard with not only my boys Seth and Braeden but, others kids in our neighborhood. I am all time pitcher and quarterback if we are playing football. I get to dance with my daughter Addison in the kitchen to Cinderella by SCC. All this; when I think about it brings tears to my eyes. Daily I am reaffirmed by my awesome wife that I am a great dad. I wanna be and I try really hard at it. It's easy if you are still a kid at heart; which I am. Now we are praying and working really hard to bring our other little Cinderella home Olivia. After reading some of what Tracy has written about fear and doubt it does come up daily but, I serve a Big and Awesome God and he can move mountains. Selling a house, moving to a new house, planting a new church, and adopting a sweet little princess from Ethiopia is nothing to him. Our pastor and friend Jay said Sunday "God makes sure the flowers get sun and water, and the birds get food, how much more does he love us if we are made in his image". So the title Faith Like Potatoes is a movie we watched with our kids the other night. It is by the same people who made Facing the Giants. Sorry to tell you what it's about but, I am. It's about a farmer who was walking completely in his own will until God taps him on the shoulder in church one Sunday and says "LIVE FOR ME". From then on he starts preaching and prays for miracles for crops and ends to wars etc. His crops were dying and he plants potatoes after being laughed at by everyone. But he prays and prays for rain....Well no rain they need water to grow right? NOPE they dig up those fields and guess what was waiting for them? Yep Potatoes. Gotta have that kind of faith. Know God can do anything through anyone at anytime. His timing, His will.The Farmer knew our Father would be faithful to those who love him. (Romans 8:28) So my prayer we have Faith Like Potatoes because in our weak moments of just being us that we will have that kind of faith.
Love that post!
ReplyDeleteThe Faith Like Potatoes book is SOOO much better than the movie!!!!!!!!!!!