Friday, March 27, 2009

Paying the bills

So on my trip to NC today - I listened to 3 sermons on the iPod to tune out the "mommmmmmie's" and "he hit me's" in the back seat. If you haven't checked out NewSpring Church in Anderson, SC - their pastor Perry Noble is phenomenal.

Short thought - he was talking about how often you ask someone how they are doing and they respond with "just paying the bills...." Yeah, I've heard that one. How about "another day another dollar". Or "Waiting for the weekend"??

His point - now do you think the creator of our universe, in all His glory, chose to send His only son to Earth in human form, have him persecuted, stripped, beaten, and nailed to a cross FOR US ... all the time saying, "after all this, I hope they are able to get some bills paid..."

Do we stop short of doing something worthwhile in our lives, something we might even have a passion for doing, because we don't have the time? (I'm scared to say that one - scared that to say I don't have enough time - How easy would it be for God to take away some of the things I do value to spend my time on ?? Job, Computer, Housework, ability to do a hobby ...) "Let's see - you have too much stuff to do to serve others?? Let's just get rid of some of the clutter.."

Do we stop short of going after something we think God is telling us to pursue because of the money, or lack of?

Do we stop short of doing something significant because of fear? Or just contentment with "paying the bills"?

I'm pretty sure the God I serve is a HUGE and awesome God and no amount of anxiety, fear, money, or lack of time can hold him back. So what's holding you and I back from rocking this world and not just existing in it ???


  1. Wow, that's quite a thought. Definitely gonna have to spend some time in prayer about that, because so many days I'm just existing--trying to make it through just one more reading group to be that much closer to Friday, and not be too hard on my little first graders. There's gotta be more to life...

  2. Wow girl!! Uhhhhh...I needed this for more reason than one--hence the email I sent ya a couple of weeks ago!

    On another note, yesterday in church our worship leader was telling us a story of a guy that for years, every time someone asked him how he was doing, he said, "I am richly blessed". His son who devoted his life to work in Africa died in a car accident and his father was, of course, in grief. BUT at his son's funeral someone asked how he was doing, and the guy answered, "I am richly blessed."
